Welcome back! The doors are open at the library starting on June 3. Masks are still required because we want to protect our youngest children since they are not eligible for the vaccine yet, and because Monroe County still has a relatively low vaccination rate for the first shot. As vaccinations increase, so too will our services. It's a really strange thing to bring the library back up to full services after the past year. When I think of the library teeming with patrons using our computers, Wi-Fi, meeting rooms, study tables, comfy chairs, and groups using the meetings rooms and kids jumping and dancing around our story room.... well, it certainly is hard. It will be a while before things are humming along again, but for now, we are happy to see you! Please note we are still doing curbside services, including print by email. We also strongly recommend that you call ahead to pre-apply for a library card if you don't have one. You can still make an appointment to use a computer for 45 min at the start of the hour. Making an appointment guarantees that you'll have one when you show up. We still have limited computers so everyone is safely apart, and there is no seating around the building just yet. We'll get there! We appreciate your patience. Just call ahead if you have any questions.